Waffle sale reminder - this Friday February 23rd, 2024. Students will be selling made to order Stuffed Waffles! Book your order ASAP!

More pictures from today.

Today was a special activity day. The middle-level students taught us about natural disasters. The Semmler Farm brought a Scottish Highland cow and other farm animals to check out up close. Students also learned about the climate and weather as well as the Conservation Corps.

Special thanks to meteorologist Tony Nargi from Northern News Now for visiting with us this afternoon and teaching us about the weather and climate change.

Shout out to students from Voyageurs Expeditionary School! Thanks for coming down to Warba to visit with us last week. Always good to touch base with fellow charters to compare notes. Check them out if you get a chance: https://www.voyageursschool.org/
They're doing fun stuff up there in Bemidji.

Northern Lights Wandering Waffles is having another sale. Pre-order now!
Thanks for your continual support to our students!

The Greenhouse Operations & Management class did a carnation lab today to learn about "capillary action" and "diffusion." They also "propagated" a cactus. A big thank you to local business North in Bloom for their flower donation! https://northinbloom.com/

People keep sending me more pics to share!

A few more pictures of the Forest History Center trip.

We had a very fun trip to the Forest History Center today. The weather was just warm enough to be out most of the day and there was just enough snow for the horses to pull us around.

Reminder: we will be at the Forest History Center all day tomorrow. Please have students bring their warm jackets, hats, boots, and gloves. Be prepared to be outside all day. We should see about 33 degrees tomorrow.

Changing our behavior will not be easy at first, but will be worth it in the end. Concentration, grades, and respect will go up when the phones go away. Prepare for change now. Away for the Day starts on Monday - Jan. 22

Why can't I just keep my phone in my pocket? Several studies show that just having your phone within reach causes lower and slower brain functioning. You can only pay attention to so much at one time and when you're waiting for that next message to pop up, you're not giving your full attention to what is going on around you. Read about it here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-36256-4

54% of teens agree that social media distracts them from paying attention to the people they are with. Time to put the phones down, and bring the eyes up! Away for Day starts Jan. 22nd.

The Chopped Challenge class has just wrapped up the second quarter with their chopped challenge. The students had to use a cake mix but not make a cake and cream cheese but could not make cheesecake. Their dessert had to have a citrus element(orange, lemon, lime) and had to be layered. In groups of 2 they had to come up with a recipe and create a grocery list of items needed to complete their dessert.
Students had to present their dessert to a panel of 3 judges in front of an audience of students. They were judged on Taste, Presentation, Plating, and Originality
They made Tiramisu, Red velvet waffles with a cream cheese sauce, Orange cream cheese brownies, Strawberry whoopie pies and the winners were the strawberry and orange donuts with an orange cream cheese filling and a strawberry glaze.

NLCS Board Policy #514 - Bullying Prevention - states, “…to the extent [bullying] affects the educational environment of the school district and the rights and welfare of its students and is within the control of the school district in its normal operations, it is the school district’s intention to prevent bullying..." If cell phones are the number one tool for bullying among teenagers, why would we not take action to prevent cellphones from being used by keeping them out of the classrooms? Away for the Day starts January 22nd.

NLCS has academic goals related to Math, Reading, and Science proficiency: "The percentage of students who are proficient (meets and exceeds) on the MCA tests will be at least 55%."
Our scores from last spring were:
Reading = 20%*
Math = 34.8%*
Science = 46.2%*
If studies show that removing phones from the classroom environment has a positive effect on test scores, why wouldn't we do it?
Check out www.awayfortheday.org/research for more facts.
(*students with attendance rates between 51-89%)

Reminder: The "Away for the Day" cell phone policy goes into effect on January 22nd. Please make arrangements to securely store phones during the school day. There are 60 small lockers just perfect for cell phone storage. BYOL (bring your own lock).

Students and staff are all dressed up for presentation night!

Reminder: Tomorrow evening (Thurs.) is our mid-year conference night. 4:30 to 7:00 pm. Musical performances start at 5:30. Chili will be served.