NLCS Public Service Announcement. Reminder that tomorrow is dress-up day but please keep your outfits school appropriate and safe! Thank you!

This is a reminder regarding our field trip tomorrow. Please dress appropriately. We will be outdoors all day. There may be rain during our excursion. Lunch is provided.
Remember we will be in a rustic setting. No electricity or running water available.

Reminder for students that this Wednesday we will be spending the day outdoors in the Lost 40 and Dora Lake area. Please dress for the weather. It's going to be in the 40's and may potentially experience light rain.Close-toed shoes and warm jackets are required. The school does have some jackets available. It will be in a rustic setting with only 1 outhouse per location. We will have supplies on hand.
Parents please remind and prepare your student. Thank you!

Vangie's Chopped Challenge - Ingredients required include pumpkin, chocolate and cream cheese and they had to cook/utilize a waffle iron in the process. These are the results.

Students spent a lovely day out at Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory.

Hey! It's picture day tomorrow! Don't forget to dress up, get that hairdo and work on your best smile or poker face!

Due to some unfortunate events, the Friday Waffle Sale will be reschedule to November 15th, 2024. Sorry for any inconveniences and thank you for understanding.

Reminder for parents/guardians to get your students' Life Touch Picture Forms in on Monday!
Picture day is this Wednesday, October 23rd.

After the Construct Tomorrow activities, students took a lunch break at the park. Kids, no matter how old they are still enjoy hanging around a playground and playing "the floor is lava."

More pictures from Construct Tomorrow event. We even met up with a former student!

On Tuesday, students attended the Construct Tomorrow at Mesabi Curling Club in Eveleth. Construct Tomorrow was formed to bring awareness to high school students about the amazing post-secondary opportunities in the construction and building trades industries.

Mark your calendars kids! Saturday October 26, 2024 from 12pm to 3pm will be a kids' Halloween carnival at the school. Lots of fun games, activities and candy! $0.50 tickets. Funds raised go back to student programs and activities.

Waffle sale coming up! See picture for more info or scan the QR code!

Donna took a couple of students the MAAP Stars Fall Leadership Conference (Minnesota Association of Alternative Programs) in Long Prairie, MN. The students participacted in Teambuilding Leadership opportunity, motivational speakers Jim Love and Derek Greenfield, Met with MDE MN Dept of Education, found out what MAAP Stars chapter is all about and mingled with about 100 students from 12 different programs around the state

Haven's advisory visited the Dowell Farm & Garden on this beautiful autumn day.

Josie's advisory went to Fichtner Park Field Native Planting Day to help establish critical pollinator with the South St Louis County Soil and Water Conservation District.

Donna’s Advisory Canoeing, kayaking, fishing, enjoying the great outdoors, and build community.

October 4th - Staff and students will be headed to Dead End Hayride in Wyoming, MN.
Students make sure to have your forms and money turned in.

Jordan Toma is coming to Warba!
Jordan Toma is Just a Kid With an IEP
- with over 3.6 million followers on social media and over 280 million views world wide
- and book sales exceeding 100,000 copies
Jordan Toma is the #1 youth motivational speaker in the country because he teaches by example, his example.
Jordan’s life story, his struggles, his failures and his realization that his “struggle was his strength” will inspire everyone (all ages and abilities) and makes a big impact with Social and Emotional Learning.
This even is open to the public and we would love to see you join us for this lifelong learning opportunity!
Come join us on in the gymnasium Thursday, October 3rd from 1-3PM @ Northern Lights Community School in Warba!

Josie's (mini) advisory adopted 6 Warba storm drains. They swept up and shoveled 30 pounds of sediment, leaves, and trash!